Nowadays we can’t live without the Internet, that’s why; the majority of homes have a wifi network. As you know, after installing it, is necessary a password protect it, otherwise, if it is open, anyone in the neighborhood can have access to it. Without a doubt, the wifi password is very important.
Have you just installed the wifi network and do not know what password to add? We have the solution for you. Discover here the funniest wifi password ideas to troll your friends every time they ask for your wifi’s password.

Unique and Funny WiFi Password Ideas
- Momisnothere.
- Ibuysilver.
- Not suitable forolderpeople.
- PayforWi-Fi.
- Wi-Fiisnotyours.
- WiFidisconnected.
- Forbiddennet.
- Networknotavailable.
- Infestedmobile.
- Dangerousvirus.
- Trojanthreat.
- Networkoffline.
- WiFinotfound.
- Good afternoonneighbor.
- Freebeers.
- Searchingforwirelessnetwork.
- Denyaccess.
- InsecureWi-Fi.
- WarningFBI.
- Virusdetected.
- WiFidisabled.
- Potentialvirusdetected.
- GivemeWiFi.
- PayWi-Fiplease.
- LANunderdown.
- BoysgoneWireless.
- Spider-Laniscomingsoon.
- Networkonlyforwork.
- Wait!Setting-up.
- SearchmyWiFi.
- VoldemorttakesoverWiFi.
- Themagicnet.
- JKRowlingConnected.
- HomerSimpsonisinthehouse.
- It’salwaysBart’sfault.
- Theonethatiscoming!
- Fastandfuriousconnected.
- WithoutWiFithereisnoparadise.
- Lisaisalwaysright.
- Moe’sTavern.
- Idon’tknow.
- Hahaha.
- Idon’twantyou here.
- Youdon’tneedapassword.
- Itisnot working.
- My wifiisnotworking.
- Welcometomy house.
- Ican’ttellyou.
- 5timesX.
- Iloveyou.
- Doyoulove me?
- Iforgotmypassword.
- Idon’thave wifi.
- Nowififoryou.
- Pleasedon’task me.
- You are notwelcome.
- Iwillnottell you.
- Iwilltellyoulater.
- Youhaveto guess.
- Itisyourname.
- Itisnot secure.
- Youdon’tneedit.
- Youcan’tuse it.
- Idon’tcare.
- Callthepolice.
- Mordor’sdoor.
- You can’tenter.
- Paymeforit.
- Jesusiswatching you.
- I likeyoursister.
- I likeyourbrother.
- Yoursisterismine.
- Yourbrotherismine.
- Thisisnotahotel.
- Youdonot deserveit.
- Youwillneverknow.
- Icannot tellyou.
- Thepassword is.
- Thepasswordisnotapassword.
- Thepasswordisnotshared.
- Whatyoudoisillegal.
- VladimirRoutin.
- Idonotknowyou.
- HogwartsWi-FiLounge.
- ChangetheRouter.
- Youwillnotcovetyourneighbor’sWi-Fi.
- Asisterneverforgets.
- Winternetiscoming.
- It’snotagoodidea.
- Youowemeabeer.
- TouchmeI’mhot.
- Youarecrazy.
- Donoteventry.
- Mywifiissleeping.
- Donotbotherme.
- Doyouwanttostealmywifi?
- Icannottrustyou.
- Alwayswiththesamestory.
- Youareveryannoying.
- Whatdoyouhaveonyourface?
- Ineedmoney.
- Inexchangefor?
- WelcometoHell.
- Goodluckwiththat.
- You’realiar.
- Ialreadytoldyou.
- Stoptalking.
- Stopasking.
- 1dollarperhour.
- Mywifiisgoingtoexplode.
- Thereisnoroomforyou.
- Getoutofmyhouse.
- Whatdoespasswordmean?
- Idon’tlikeyourvisit.
- Idonotlikeyou.
- Whatisthetasteofsalt?
- Wi-Fiis mine.
- Okaynoproblem.
- Youhavearrived late.
- I willnevertellyou.
- Thereisnoconnection.
- Just10 minutes.
- Youarenotagoodperson.
- Idon’tlikepeoplelike you.
- Pleasewashyourhands.
- Please waitafewminutes.
- Sayhellotome.
- Whatwasyourname?
- Where youcomefrom?
- SayhelloinJapanese.
- Youdon’tneedit.
- Useyourmind.
- Useyourimagination.
- Itisnotfunny.
- You are adealer.
- Peopletalkaboutyou.
- Wi-Fidoesnotexist.
- IdonothaveWIFI.
- Sorryitdoesnotwork.
- Sorry Ican’ttellyou.
- I willnevershareitwith you.
- Ouranniversary date.
- Itismybirthday.
- Youhaveto go.
- Pleasenevercomeback.
- Iamherefor you.
- Don’tletme go.
- Youareverysweet.
- Everythingfor you.
- Iamfreefor you.
- You areatroll.
- I amatroll.
- Itisasecret.
- PlanetoftheApes.
- You havetopayforit.
- Itisnotfor you.
- It’shardtounderstand.
- You shouldstayaway.
- Iwillcallthe police.
- Thinkwisely.
- This isatrap.
- Idon’ttrustyou.
- Youshouldsayplease.
- Sayplease.
- Saycheese.
- TheworstWi-Fiintheworld.
- Nobodylives here.
- Payyourownwifi.
- The passwordisinyourheart.
- NofreeWiFiaroundhere.
- Nottoday.
- Itisnotpublic.
- Payanduse.
- Let’stry later.
- I willtellyourmother.
- Cookfor me.
- Invitemetogoout.
- Donotlookatmelikethat.
- Areyoucomfortable?
- SantaClauslives here.
- Igetlostinthedepthofyourgaze.
- I donothavebattery.
- Dumbwhoreadsit.
- Sexybrunette.
- Theneighborhoodbaker.
- Idon’tunderstandyou.
- Ohmygod.
- Ohmygosh.
- Youjustwantwifi.
- You shouldwork.
- Iamnotready.
- Givemesome food.
- WhyshouldI?
- Iknowwhereyoulive.
- Mywifiistoomuchfor you.
- Doyouwanttoeat?
- Ifyouwereaproduct, whatwouldyourslogan be?
- Howwouldyoutrytoseduceme?
- Anunspeakablefantasy.
- Whatwouldyoudoifyouwonthelottery?
- Donottouchmywifi.
- Thereareantsinyour tea.
- Donotlookat me.
- Nothingisfreeinthislife.
- Andwhoare you?
- Thinkalittleb it.
- 12345678
- pussingwound
- icanttel you
- ineedapassword
- samantha
- amateur
- Mercedes
- teamynsexy69
- change me
- Zxc1234
- 1111111
- secret
- iamforgetful
- abcd123
- memory sucks
- earlyalzheimers
- chromeful
- doubleclick
- newpassword
- jesuswenis
- YourMusicIsAnnoying
- ShutYourDogUpAlready
- cludAlly
- beautifulbitch
- IamACompleteIdiot
- youmoron
- i8urfa8
- OnlyforGirls
- BillWitheScienceFi
- ZeldaaLinksystothePast
- IHazWifi
- PickUpYourDogCrap
- Tonystark’s Network
- I BelieveWiCanFi
- WheretheWildPingsAre
- WhamBamThankYouLAN
- ClickHereto Download
- INowPronounceYouManandWifi
- Connected,Secured
- Router?IHardlyKnew Her
- WhoPoopedinthePool
- ErmahgerdWeFer
- WeareVirus
- ThisnotForPublic
- NoWiFi4you
- IPsteadyStreams
- The PromisedLAN
- TheLANBeforeTime
- LANofMilkandHoney
- TheLANoftheFree
- UseYourOwnNetwork%1
- NSAlisteningPost
- DontEvenTry2Hack!
- NoMoreMisterWiFi
- Default
- IdontLikey@urass
- Traffic Sniffer
- NSADrone#3
- getoffmyLAN
- ThisLANisYourLAN
- avengersnetworks
- SentyourBirthCertificateforWiFi
- 99problemsbutwifiintone
- VirusInfected@2PM
- Wi-FightWhenWeCanMakeLove
- I’mnotSingle
- Move On
- ARouterofIceandFire
- TheWhompingWi-Fi
- pleasewait4sometime
- WinterWonderLAN
- HomelandSecurity
- DesperateHouseWiFi
- internetfromAsgard
- TitanicSyncing
- Untrusted Network
- No internet access
- Networkis2Slow@
- Pentagon
- TellMyWifiLoveHer
- UnprotectedCex@18
- IPaLot
- JumpontheBandwidth
- GoGo RouterRangers
- SlowerthanYoMomma
- Don’tHackmyWife
- WiFiOfThanos
- WhyuWantPassword?
- freewifi
- Wi-fiisComing
- SendmePizzaforWifi
- nothing
- nothingagain
- facebookboo
- babajikathullu
- dryhump
- iforgot
- pwnz0red
- ninnypants
- FBISurveillanceVan
- whydoalwaysforget
- ithinkican
- ithoughticould
- asdf
- mypsychoex
- jewishnipple
- aspls
- user
- ShitHead1
- run away
- YouWontGuessThis One
- PasswordShmashword
- DecRedRy
- gorving
- turkey01
- pwnedyou
- mississippi
- iloveu
- iamnottellingyoumypw
- masterpassword
- adolftheclown
- hairygrandma
- yetanotherpassword
- nomorepasswords
- dog
- sharkbait
- passwordshmassword
- aStRoIsh
- passwordforoldpeople
- chainsawwedding
- dopeydon’tgetmine
- shoveit
- veryslowinternet
- PleaseWait…
- AmishRebel
- PayforWi-Fi
- 77777777
- Nowyouseeme…
- payanduse
- Shutting Down
- 0000000000
- ThisisnotFree
- harley
- $10perhour
- SearchingforGF
- Wi-FiFever
- comingsoon!
- Nointernetaccess
- OpenSesame
- Letthemuse it
- jewishnipple
- fluffy72Is2Short
- GoGoInternetGadget
- Don’t Snoop
- WiFi@40$dPH
- yeoldinternet
- matthew
- notworking
- pornonly@007
- LifeontheLine
- Jordan
- DontEvenTry2Hack!
- payanduse
- hackerhere
- Wi-FIFoFum
- netgear
- UnprotectedCex@18
- Connection timed out
- Robert
- I am18@loveyou
- Network is down
- IStalkYou
- Useit@yourrisk*0
- asshole
- WioftheFiger
- Networkis2Slow@
- PrinterOnly
- Adolfthe clown
- I’mwatchingyou
- giving
- yeoldinternet
- wait4sometime@
- pleaseuseme
- 143@ILUILU
- GrEssatE
- ILoveyoumywifi
- Wi-Fi
- pwned you
- Nacho Wi-Fi
- 1234
- infected wifi
- Bring Bear&Women
- CallMeDarling
- Wi-Fi
- Default
- NoWiFi4you
- SwitchOnWIFI
- 654321
- russianhackers
- sharkbait
- password1
- networkerror
- Ithinkcan
- needforspeed
- TheyRWatching
- 2BBlue
- pornlover
- Useatyourown risk
- turkey01
- giglepig
- teamynsexy69
- jordan23
- GetOffmyLan
- harley
- hairyback
- letthemuseit
- wirelessgangbang
- chromeful
- Useatyourownrisk
- CallMeMaybe
- cadet
- 123neverguess
- PrettyFlyforaWi-Fi
- Babudee
- monkeys
- GetYour Own
- FBI SurveillanceVan
- pulsingwound
- AAMeeting
- Freefor1day
- mypassword
- Hogsmeade
- shoveit
- UmbrellaCorporation
- Doesn’tMatter
- PinkLadies
- OnlyforPorn
- Daily Bread
- WifiArtThou Romeo
- Iam hungry
- turkey02
- NotWorking
- BillWi,theScienceFi
- Iforgotagain
- FeelLikeFlying
- runaway
- LoadingWait Please
- area51
- Insertkeyhere
- NotAvailable
- Pleasetryagain.
- It’satrap!
- i12kissu
- wutanglan
- WiFi
- JoinMyBandwidth
- busters
- aStRoIsh
- pokemononly
- byteme
- RickRolled
- Karen’sNetwork
- gojihad
- WillYouMarryMe
- SweetVictory
- hacker’shaven
- Get YourOwnWi-Fi
- TalkLess,Workmore
- virus-free
- First-timecex
- ConnectionLost
- TotalHear
- pleaseuseme
- NoWi-FiForYou
- Hackme
- FeelLikeFlying
- ForPornUseOnly
- VirusInfectedWiFi
- GetOffMyLawn
- Getlosta$$h0le
- BringBeerandWomenforme
- AllChutiyaConnectThis
- MomUseThisOne
- GoHomeTourists
- Fuckoff
- BuyAnotherCupYouCheapSkate
- MyOwnDamnInternet
- GetyourOwnWi-FiFuckHead
- Don’teventryit
- GotoHell
- PasswordisPassword
- Circuit
- I will Killyou
- Yourgrammarismoreannoying
- MyNeighborsSuck
- GetYourOwnetBro
- Topsecretnetwork
- BondageClub
- ProhibitedArea
- C:Virus.exe
- ConnectandDie
- You’redonenow
- BBkivines
- Bob’sUnsecuredHouseofWifi
- Yourmusicisannoying
- Comeandcleanupmyhouse
- IamtheInternet
- ThisisMyNumber9234727312
- CarryMinati
- LookMa,NoWires!
- WirelessGangBang
- EntertheDragon’sNetwork
- NoFreeINternetHereKeep Looking
- KeepitontheDownload
- OnceSee Back
- ILoveyoumy wifi
- Dropit like itsHotspot
- YouLost YourConnection
- Dhinchak Poojafan
- Shutyour FuckingDogUp
- Ha Ha next timelockyour router
- Dunder-Mifflin
- Youare mycrush
- John’s full name inCAPS, nospace
- I m theking oftheworld
- Wi-Fight theinevitable
- 99problemsbut WiFi ain’tone
- Wu-TangLAN
- Shakenshaken
- Child Toucher
- Pennygetyourown wifi
- You cancall me misterTIBBS!
- SweetAdelinefor you
- STFUbitch
- All YourBandwidthBelong to theUS
- Fastenyourseatbelts
- OptimusPrime
- Skynet GlobalDefenseNetwork
- It’s gonnabe a bumpynight
- Mom,ClickHere for theInternet
- You completeme
- Therewill beblood
- Give me10,000
- KungFuPanda
- Drop it like it’sHotspot
- Occam’sRouter
- Hide YourKidsHide YourWiFi
- This is NotFreeEither
- Your house ismine
- I drinkyourmilkshake
- HackIf YouCan
- Dareto useit
- To useitbring booze
- ClickHere ToBrick YourPhone
- Please stopyour barkingdog
- I know youwant mywifi
- I don’tlikeGangBang
- The DarkKnet
- U arenot perfect
- TotalHear
- This is the deep web
- You are toocheap
- I don’t know how to sayno
- Don’ttouch mydaughter
- I canhear youhavingsex
- Youshould knock onthe door first
- Kamasutra
- Iam your dady
- I am your sugardaddy
- I am your sugar mommy
- I amyour mommy
- Wrong question
- Don’t say itagain
- Thepassword is not safe
- Passwordninja
- You don’t deserveit
- Askyour mother first
- Your whatsapp number
- Just funny names for you
We hope you liked this funny wifi password list, now, choose yours and troll your friends!